Thursday, July 25, 2013

Strong arguments


Vegans have some pretty watertight arguments, but they aren’t being recognised; hence vegans resort to moralising to make their arguments have an added touch of being frightening, by showing disapproval of those who disagree with us.
            We face a big head-in-the-sand problem, in that discussion isn’t taking place on this subject. But discussion can’t take place until those who want the discussion (mostly people on my side of the argument) stop engaging with people on a predominantly emotional level, in order to achieve recognition or even to be taken seriously. People will only start to listen or engage when they know we aren’t on the attack but that we’re mainly interested in trying to encourage an exchange of opinions. We don’t have to win the argument to make progress, we only have to want to learn from others as much as we want others to learn from us. It will never matter that we have good arguments if we can’t get anyone to hear what they are.


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