Sunday, November 28, 2010

Whingeing at meat eaters not the answer

At the moment it doesn’t seem that people are ‘interested’ in us. Yawn. The very mention of ‘Animal Rights’ makes them want to switch off. Not all of course but many. At a demo we’re running on the street, they pass by without even glancing our way. We’re astounded. We wait … and nothing changes. And so it goes on.
We, most of us, can’t think of another way of telling people - but other tactics might be more appropriate. For a start we could realise how shrill our voices might become when trying to press our point. We may be so gobsmacked by their indifference (and silence) that we can hardly help shouting at them. “Hey you”, as if they’re asleep. But of course they are NOT asleep, they just don’t want the confrontation. When they see us they’re working out ways of getting past us. We represent an uncomfortable truth.
Amongst ourselves we’re fine; we vocalise, we say how we feel and that makes us feel better. But if we try the same thing on omnivores (as it were, by getting our rocks off with them) it usually explodes in our face. That’s why whingeing to meat eaters doesn’t really work.
Their food almost defines who they are. And perhaps their clothing does too (especially women who like their shoes or guys with their leathers). So, they don’t take kindly to being put on the spot over their groceries and such.
One can sympathise with vegans. We have a tough time. We feel excluded fro m their world or at least from a big part of it. So, here we are, “vegans”, trying to talk about the most tabooed subject on earth and not even getting to first base. All I know is that omnivore-bashing isn’t the answer.

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