Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Animal Rights is the only protection from human exploitation that animals are ever going to get. It’s a noble thing for us to be protecting their rights. Vegans should feel rightly proud of the decision they’ve made. They’ve said “enough is enough”, and gone for broke by fighting for those who can’t act for themselves.
There’s nothing better we could be doing, wouldn’t you say? It’s certainly something no animal can do for themselves since their fighting teeth were blunted long ago. It’s been a long time since humans were frightened of any other species. (Perhaps viruses haven’t shown their teeth yet, but watch this space for humans’ predator-to-come!!). But for the time being, humans are the dominant species and to prove it we’ve taken things to the ugliest extremes imaginable. And now vegans are sounding the alarm to say one thing - that animals have rights, that we should grant them their right to a life. This means a real life and not one of life long imprisonment, and ending at the slaughterhouse.

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