Monday, November 8, 2010

What’s the purpose of a vegan?

Vegans, who are they? For the time being, in practical terms, no one’s too worried who we are. Little notice is taken of vegans, Parents probably tell the kids not to be scared of us since we’re so few in number. They may never even come across one.
Our profile is low because over the years our performance has been weak (or too ‘pushy’). It’s obvious, when we try to explain “everything” in a few sentences and get agitated because we can’t, that we neither pose any threat nor exert any influence on fashion. Who’s afraid of a big bad vegan? ... unless we’re frightened in that creepy way, when someone’s watching you in the dark.
I think that’s how things are today. But tomorrow, who knows? With a more heightened awareness of health issues, environmental concerns and poverty, there’s going to be change. At least in consciousness.
If any issues do become goers, they may not spring from a heightened sense of responsibility but from something more earthy. Perhaps a wish to take more control of our own life. And perhaps that will have sprung from indignation and a determination not to be manipulated.
By stopping letting ‘them’ make suckers of us, by NOT being pushed around by commercial interests, we take a brave stand. (‘Brave’ because it may get lonely during these early days).
Eventually we should arrive with more conscious and eventually vegan consciousness. But this whole process of ‘awakening’ isn’t just a change of daily habits. Our ‘going’-vegan isn’t just a change of diet or shoes or action, it’s a whole new approach - along the lines of seeing how life could so easily become. At present vegans should attempt to exemplify that ... and holding that thought ....
... This is where one predicts a world that is devoid of inappropriate anger, people-hating, value judging and, most of all, no overtly- or covertly-threatening-behaviour. That prediction, maybe wishful thinking, is both a more intelligent approach to life and a more enjoyable experience. If we can, in a nutshell, ignore “the white goods” and go for simpler things, then the most interesting and pleasurable discoveries will be made. Probably at first in the unravelling of knotty problems. And therefore one can arrive at the central reason why humans are here. And why we’re significantly different from ANY other life form.
There, if it can ever be solved, is the riddle of our reason to be (here), alongside trees and cats. Understanding (approximately) our raison d’être (as 21st century humans), this adds a certain extra dimension to the human species and allows us special focus to follow our purpose.

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