Thursday, November 4, 2010

Mild manners or going in for the kill

Whenever vegan ideas are introduced to omnivores, as soon as the vegan departs their ideas leave with them. Each vegan principe is forgettable back in the real world - what flew in now flies out. ‘Reluctant’ ideas don’t stick in that part of the brain or heart where inspiration is unforgettable. So, are we not inspiring people?
Society’s non-recognition of animal-rights makes forgetting easier for individuals. It’s determined by collective guilt, about this whole matter being a black mark on humanity. So, what is the ‘vegan message’ after all, if not an accusation. It’s uncomfortable. They strike back at vegans in the only way they can - by ignoring us. Then, in their minds, the whole thing gets twisted around - they become convinced vegans are just out for revenge. They want to embarrass people for eating ‘just ordinary food’. “We don’t have to listen to you. there are so many of us and so few of you”. Obviously there’s a reluctance to discuss things ... except maybe from the point of view of curiosity or even hedging one’s bets?
If the omnivore and the vegan are going to discuss matters there must be some semblance of an equal footing. Each side must have something substantial TO discuss, otherwise it turns into a rout. And that’s a no-discussion.
The vegan will fight as the ambassador for animals, judging the omnivore mistaken for eating them. The omnivores might judge the vegan for being judgemental and intrusive. Both valid positions to take. The omnivore has a right not to be judged and the vegan has a right to be taken seriously. Each position has potential and there’s great value pursuing each. But if we slip away from the general and into the personal we provide both obstacle to and opportunity for discussion - a push-me-pull-you situation where ‘discussion’ can’t move along because it’s stuck, and that sticking point must be dealt with first.
Both sides have their arguments. And whether they are good or bad ones is immaterial, as long as each side respects the right of the other to put their argument. (That means having to listen and not be so quick with commenting back).
Discussion on this subject can be stimulating. It doesn’t a
have to descend into abuse.

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