Saturday, November 20, 2010

Two stage break-out

Maybe the weight (of the worry we have) isn’t just in the magnitude of the problem, it’s also to do with the cover-up that goes with it in our society - at the heart of our collective mind-set is an attitude (about the treatment of animals) that keeps us omnivore. maybe we suspect we’ve been tricked by the food producers but dare not think about it too deeply; if we start boycotting we’ll end up having nothing much left we can buy, in comfort food terms.
Everyone knows about the mountainous amount of animal exploitation going on. It’s awe inspiring to think about the implications. An average Westerner eats twenty one thousand animals (in his or her lifetime). That’s a lot of executions weighing down on our conscience. These, each one, are deaths we’ve been party to. Just writing this blog I’m conscious that just by saying this I’m being very heavy, making what I say very unpopular! But I hasten to add that all of us, including present day vegans, are or were once hardened meat-eaters. We’ve all got enough blood on our hands to drown in, that’s for sure.
Once we can acknowledge this ‘plain awful truth’, and then stop doing what we’re doing and decide not to ‘go there’ anymore, we’ll start to atone. But that’s just one thing. There’s another vital step - once we’re boycotting all the right things, then we can start to get off our high horse about “being vegan” and judging those who aren’t.

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