Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Waiting for the future to arrive

Tuesday 9th November 2010

As vegans we promote animal liberation. If we can get people to see the need for that we’ll have something to be optimistic about. However, let’s face it, presently things look gloomy. Pessimism reigns. It’s depressing to see how little future vision people have. It’s sad that we still live in a slum called ‘civilised society’. All we hear about is greed, violence and the rich getting richer, etc. That’s food for pessimism, but for vegans, the added difficulty is having to live as herbivores within an omnivore-world.
In the present world there’s routine cruelty to animals and that’s made benign by the products of the Animal Industries being so nicely wrapped and colourfully presented. The truth is neatly swept under the carpet and most people don’t suspect what is happening behind the scenes. For vegans that’s unbearable, especially since what we know is not wanted or needed by others who aren’t vegan. What we do know is to our own advantage, that’s for sure; if we’re all inmates in the human prison at least, on the up-side, vegans enjoy better conditions. But primarily, knowing what we know puts us in a position to be better able to help those who need it, both animal and human. Our shop is open all hours. Customers may come and go as they please. And we wait. Even wait in this little blogspot where we can get together. Even deep down (that’s the next blog).

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