Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The media


I often wonder if the Animal Industries are concerned about the growing awareness of what could well become known as ‘war crimes against animals’.  Even if they are not thinking that far ahead, perhaps they are concerned about any fall-off in business – the growing trend, of young people particularly, to ‘go vegetarian’.  The more people who find eating bits of dead animal repulsive, the more they’re likely to talk to their friends about it. And the fewer customers the abattoirs will have.

There will always be a rear-guard action, when The Authorities do whatever they can to suppress the truth about animal farming and processing.  The Animal Rights Movement has consistently, over a period of forty or so years, been giving the media evidence of what’s happening on farms and in abattoirs.  The media, in turn, have consistently down-played that evidence, since they are governed by their advertisers.  They try to publish as little as possible on the cruelty of animal farming.

Today, thankfully, information is available on the Net, making conventional media somewhat redundant.  There’s so much of everything on the Net, so now it’s not so much a matter of information being accessible as being found.  But one only needs to know where to look for it.

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