Friday, July 18, 2008

don’t get personal (heavy)

We can converse, we can argue, we can debate our case patiently, point by point, but it may not touch others where it counts if they feel negatively about us. If we do get to discuss this subject and if things get heated, how do we stop them becoming personal or even violent? If we are the salesperson wanting results, we can expect our adversary to feel like a customer being railroaded
So, where does it come from, this determination to say our piece, to sell a belief, even to provoke someone in order to get a reaction? Why, when things aren’t going our way, will we confront aggressively? Or if the shoe is on the other foot and it’s us being confronted, what does that feel like and how do we handle it? If we do take our conversation out to the edge, how do we pull back in time? How do we let any bad feelings blow over, especially within that vital microsecond, before we’ve gone too far? Why would we even care? It comes back to things getting personal. Judging values. Becoming antagonistic towards someone because of the attitudes they have. This is why having a foundation of non-violence grounding everything we do or say is so important.

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