Saturday, September 11, 2010

In a flash

We need seconds to get everything we have to say across. It's encoded in the calmness of our voice. If we're speaking for the voiceless - we should speak as they might, calmly and never forcefully. Look at it this way: Why are there so many animals here in the first place? Are they missionaries? Are they here to teach humans how to be more like themselves. It’s a big job. Perhaps there are so many because their magic has to be slow and subtle and extra powerful, to bring humans around ... because we are so obstinate. We won’t see what we don’t want to see. Even when the beauty and calmness of an animal is staring us in the face we still think we have the right to exploit them. Paedophiles operate in exactly the same way, they know it’s wrong yet they do it all the same. The human condition, the misery and suffering we put each other through, is probably a tit for tat lesson we have to learn; until we treat the animals in a civilised way we will never know how to treat each other properly.
We, as vegans, are both human beings and advocates. We’re talking with the Voice itself, the collective consciousness. Are vegans hoping to influence this vast violence? Do we think we can touch it?
I suspect we can reach other humans with words, as long as we stick to the rule regarding permission to speak.
To get that, we may have to fill in a few forms and submit them in triplicate - such is the amount of permission we need. It's the omnivore’s greatest generosity towards us: allowing us in, giving us their permission to speak to them.
If we have the go-ahead to speak then, in a flash, we can pick ‘it’ up and run with it, keeping one eye on any signs of withdrawal on their part. If permission is not there, we'd best go home and have a nice cup of tea. It’s either a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’, and if it’s ‘no’ then either we haven’t approached the matter with enough subtlety or magic or the person we're talking to is really a no-hoper.

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