Saturday, September 4, 2010

Don’t carpet bomb the opposition

Keep driving, keep talking, tell it how it is, but maybe avoid driving on the highway, using conventional methods of hitting people with all the facts all at once. Drive on the low-road, don’t conform to the way it’s usually done (and screwed up).
If our ‘approach’ is to get people focusing on Animal Rights, we have to be sparing with our words - it needs only a moment. The smaller the seed of truth, the less confronting it feels to those who we want to consider it. We don’t need to raise their hackles. We surely want to help people who will eventually be wanting to find out the details of our information.
At first meeting with disapproval (being confronted by a ‘dangerous vegan’) a ‘fight or flight’ response is natural - everyone hates having their values judged. It’s our job to turn that around, when talking Animal Rights with omnivores.

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