Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Finding a parking spot

When we get talking to someone about all this, at first we want them to make an effort, to think about the subject. So, perhaps instead of driving over to their place we need them to come half way, towards us. Maybe meeting near the middle, which is a point where we are at ease with each other. That means first and foremost establishing and maintaining a friendly atmosphere. We want their respect: they want our non-judgement of them.
Driving over to their place may be largely our idea. We set the ball rolling - getting them thinking. So our ‘no-use-animal’ idea, if it’s to impact on them, means they have to travel past their own resistance, past preconception and even a little bit further so they’re not put off by our boasting about our being “vegan”.
If we want parking rights over at their place we must make the best use of them. We may only have them for a limited time. (Back to picking up a date: they could be called ‘intimacy rights’). Talking vegan is heavy. Why would anyone want to be listening to me talk to them about this subject? Back to my car, and driving over, the question is – can we park in their spot? And if so for how long? How long will it be before their patience runs out, before they want us gone?
After we get permission to enter, it’s a question of striking a balance – and not overstay our welcome. We don’t want to get a parking ticket from our friends, or anyone else for that matter.

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