Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The cut-off

We are subject to a powerful common perception that being omnivore is the only way humans can live. Not enough prominent people have said how dangerous this ‘common perception’ is. The 250 executions, per year, per person isn’t a well known fact (and its being little-known is significant in itself) but would it touch people if it were known? Enough to change them?
Maybe not, because ‘universal perception’ says that animals fall into a special category. That catagory doesn’t directly foster contempt for animals because we do love animals, but it’s a cut off point about certain specific animals. [And whist we put them in a lower category we don’t have to fel guilty, not as equals, jus like years ago other races as inferior bodies].
That’s basically what this blog looks at - that ‘cut-off’ point which is central to omnivore-thinking. People abide by an elaborate trick of the mind, to stay in the kindergarten section of the Normal Club. Their willingness to consume animals is a sort of passport to living the good-life, with good-food being very much part of it, and it including restaurant dinning, home-cooked dinners, walk-down-the-street snacks or even cashmere sweaters. It’s ‘turn-on’ stuff, and we love it,{ neve r considering fear [ain etc. ]
The powerful ‘cut-off’ and ‘turn-on’ (over food and clothing) isn’t that much different from sex. We’re either powerfully attracted or repulsed. To control our impulses we need something extra HUGE and powerful, to pull us away from ‘the good things of life’ … as well as the comforts of ‘normality’.
Can we counter that? Of course we can, easy-peasy. Can what vegans say be powerful enough to pull at this? Enough in the end to liberate our animal slaves?
If we can then we can.
For what is it we’re attempting here, if not the tiniest jolt. Something we all have, potentially, within the tool kit on board vegan space ships, which is basically what we are!!
So, with what are we trying to attract? With what can we equal the powerful attractions coming from the other side (the ‘dark side’)? What wins people over, enough for them to join hands and stand against the locking up of animals. [Welfare and Rights].
Perhaps it’s our own vanity in the end, that won’t allow us to be so UN-attractive, in our thinking. And once ya start to think about animals, whoo, it’s hard to stop. Seeing them locked up and in-use? But resting on this laurel is still not ‘attractive’ to anyone but ourselves. We’re here to out the inner vegan. We don’t do that by being angry, or necessarily with fine logical argument either.
The sort of magic we have to spin (along with the natural attractions of the food we prepare or the clothing we wear) HAS to attract. Attention arresting attraction - interesting to people. It is anyway a bit of a riddle, a risk, a range of perceptions not all of which are accurate. The vegan thing, whatever it is, is innately magic, and each individual vegan can spin it, because each one is in a unique position to overview things without gut-ache guilt fogging everything up.
However each vegan chooses to express our message, each knows luck is not relevant – there’s no “perhaps people will see the light, one day” choice here, it’s down to a revolution within ourselves, enough to overcome a Herculean barrier, enough to put people off their intrepid march. Somehow we must persuade change, otherwise the Animal Industry will keep its twenty million customers here and its seven billion customers overseas.
Magic, as distinct from luck, dictates we do this well. Speaking kindly helps things no end. Take this ‘250’ statistic. For that to be It’s as sharp as hell itself. It hurts, it attacks, it speaks the truth, it’s a ‘new food’ which has to be digested (that’s if we quote it at all). A good doctor administers the medicine carefully enough to out-trick the wicked virus. In a way, we have to do the same, gently, kindly, yes, yes, all that ‘soft’ stuff, but it needs trying if only because all the ‘pushme-pullu’ methods have failed.
This one can’t … if vegans become nice people and work like the clappers to get people to come round. If we are nasty types we shouldn’t be representing the gentlest beings on earth – the animals.

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