Thursday, July 28, 2016

The consumer: no-touch-animal


We live in a country, indeed on a planet, where almost every human is using and therefore condoning the abuse of animals. The vast majority of these animals are imprisoned on farms and are denied any semblance of natural life. They live in squalor and die in terror. Until the consumer stops buying meat and eggs and dairy products and all the foods and commodities which make use of animals’ bodies, the cruelty will continue and the decline of human life will continue. It’s up to the individual consumer to stop consuming all this animal-based stuff. Only then will products be free of cruelty and the way ahead will be clear for human progress.

The vegan animal activist, in order to live according to their own principles, has to adopt a philosophy of not-touching-animals. I mean by that, not using them, not condoning the imprisonment or killing of them, and of course not eating them.

Almost everybody is still deeply involved in the exploitation of animals. Those who aren’t, ‘vegans’, have made an agreement with themselves to keep their food and clothing plant-based and animal-free. In this way we show how life is possible without using animals for anything. 

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