Wednesday, July 27, 2016

How to stop hurting animals


You can ask any three year old kid why we are abusing animals and, even if they don’t know the answer they’ll understand the question. It isn’t complicated. It’s just a sad indictment on those who are still caught up in the whole sorry mess of violence-towards-animals. I think it’s an adult-ego thing. Most people try to justify what they do, so the average adult still argues that we DO need to eat animal food. They will argue that it's necessary for our health, even though they probably know that argument is dead. They might realise the benefits of a plant-based diet, that it's quite safe, healthy and maximises energy, but still be reluctant to change.

There’s been an information revolution over these past two decades, with an abundance of nutritional details available on the Internet. There’s advice about preparing vegan food and how to make it taste good, and where the vitamins and minerals are to be found. Where we used to spend hours searching for information from books in the library, it now takes no time at all. It’s now just a matter of being prepared to learn and make changes to personal eating habits.

If we aren’t prepared to change then it augurs poorly for us - we can’t see any hope for a world which relies on exploiting animals. And so the whole sorry mess of our situation continues, and animal farming (and our part in it as animal-consumers) stops us progressing.

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