Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Holding out till it's too late


Animals are getting killed in their billions whilst the consumer is misinformed into believing that animal products are somehow good for health.  Advertising and product promotion still work to make things as easy as possible for the consumer - but consumers aren’t completely blind.  There’s a sense that the tide is turning.  It’s clear that meat-eating is becoming unfashionable.  And the rich by-products are making people fat.  Perhaps this indicates a beginning of the end of the speciesist-era.

To date, most consumers haven’t seriously considered this.  Most people haven’t even thought about radically changing their eating habits.  Maybe they’ll hold out till the eleventh hour, until they’re personally so afraid of death or afraid for their kids’ health, or even for the future of the planet, that change is the only option left to them.  And if it’s not from fear of ill health then they’ll feel it when their conscience pricks too painfully.  To switch away from conventional foods is hard for young people, but it’s even harder for older omnivores, who have spent most of their lives eating animals and are still nowhere near being vegetarian let alone vegan. 

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