Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Connecting, not abusing


For the vegan to attack the non-vegan is a mistake.  We have to set the standard for any future interaction or discussion - the image of  vegans being attack-dogs has to change.  Communication between people of differing viewpoints is always going to be difficult.  It’s much easier to go on the attack.  It feels so justified.  Attack gives us the ‘sugar-hit’ we need to stave off the frustration of not being able to reach them, these unthinking and uncaring people.

But we need to have some sort of connection in order to get discussion going.  A passionate promotion of Animal Rights isn’t the only way to educate people who don’t want to listen.  What good does it do to win a few newspaper headlines one day only to have the attention evaporate when the news is stale by the next day?  Protests and demonstrations might tweak people’s consciences, but the slogans we use are one liners, and never address issues deeply enough to inspire or permanently touch the heart of people who have barely thought about the issues before. 

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