Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Shifting a Goliath of an attitude


The attitude-to-eating-animals is still deeply set in most people’s minds. Vegan advocates are interested in the shift of consciousness towards kindness, and specifically (apart from being kind to animals and wanting to see them liberated) we want to see the abattoirs close down.

This is a Mount Everest of an institution to bring down, so we need to see things in perspective. We need to see the enormity-of-impact such a massive change would bring and the depth of opposition it would bring too. Mass-consciousness-change is no small matter. It’s certainly an ambitious project we Animal Rightists have taken on.

Mass change - this is big biscuits. These are lifestyle habits, involving seductions, addictions and dependencies, we’re talking about. This is the collective-mindset we’re taking on. And, at first glance, the mountain is far too high to attempt. But these are significant times, where all the big dangers-for-the-World are being examined. And, centre stage, on the slab, is human nature itself.

What is it about human nature that is so damage-making for the future? Why are our core values deteriorating?

Our values determine everything we do, where ethical choice is involved. What we think is causing the main damage to our world is where our attention is drawn. If that happens to be with Animal Rights, it’s initially food choices that determines the direction we take. Almost everyone still refuses to look at the use of animals, and so everyone maintains a fixed mind-set on these matters. This one attitude, made powerful because it’s shared by seven billion others, concerns using-animals. Throughout much of the World, we all eat similar food, in that so much of it is from animals. The consumer and the producer hold beliefs in common, that animals may be used by us. That attitude has held our species in thrall since the year dot, and it’s likely that the erosion of our humanity started from then.

Vegans are suggesting we return to humanity, and show by our lifestyle principles that humans can be humane, despite the behaviour of the vast majority of humans who aren’t.

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