Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Send them back to Vega


Big changes may come fast, but I doubt it, not when it comes to food-beliefs and animal-rights. Anyway, pessimistically, hypothetically, what if it isn’t quick? And if it’s going to be slow, then we might have to be ready for a slow crawl through decades rather than years.  I also suspect mass change won’t happen by us trying to persuade people to change their innermost nature, but we can try, and we must try. Since the cause is entirely noble, any contribution, by any of us, can’t possibly be futile. Everything we do relates to a better future and the greater good.

The Greater Good, an aim in and of itself, but it’s for the long-term. It’s as if we’re of most value if we work ‘alongside’ the as-yet-unborn. And keep our eyes on the bigger picture. And always act like a river, influencing change by way of continuous and consistent attrition. It’s not unlike a fashion-change. Attitudes rather than in the form of clothing.  A fashion of softness which we, individually, especially people of my vintage, may never get to see. But, here and now we can plan for it.  Even though we die before anything significant happens, it’s no longer about my satisfaction but a much more significant satisfaction - that of experiencing from and contributing to the optimistic core. From that core repair happens, and from that core there’s a personal element, a thrill of future as food for our present.

But while optimism is important, it’s not the optimism we ‘spout’ but the optimism we feel privately that counts . This might sound touchy-feely, but motivation is sparked by optimism. And we all need to know what we’ve got in the motivation-bank. If optimism pulses through our veins, then one thing is assured - we’ll always have enough motivational oomph for what we want to do.

I hope mine won’t run out. But how can it, when it’s about foundations stones? Like a bricklayer whose each brick is laid for the future, so is it too with vegans of today, who see ahead to the ‘up-ahead-times’.

This strong movement-to-come, what is loosely called  The Animal Rights Movement, will probably mature at the most propitious time, but only if today’s solid stones are laid. Early on. In preparation.

But to be frank, motivationally-speaking, this sounds like featureless work. “Where’s my motivation and energy to come from? I may badly want to help the animals, but that’s not the same as wanting to work for the liberation of animals.”

[From the animals’ perspective, that’s probably what they’re working on, at this very minute; ways of getting us humans to be very, and urgently, energetic on their behalf; for their eventual liberation]

Work, voluntary work, why? For me it’s not done out of duty, compassion or empathy. It’s done out of interest. The fascination in what’s happening, right now. The  challenge of the subject.

Sadly, for the non-idealist, the focus is on extracting personal pleasure from life. They might be loving and kind people, but they dare not think for themselves on this issue. Fear of lifestyle-change is an horrendous prospect for most people. But they may be kind people, and even kind enough to accommodate people like me or you. They’re cool about us being different. They’re even cool if we want to talk about animals, although not best pleased.

However, in general, they’d be happier if we moved to another planet. Of course they’d miss us for a while (and it’s nothing personal) and they’d feel lots of guilt (but they’d be fairly used to that feeling already, since it’s a chronic condition for many omnivores).  But, one BIG advantage - they’d no longer have to listen to us making them feel profoundly uncomfortable.

Isn’t there a planet called Vega that would have them?

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