Wednesday, July 19, 2017



The better part of ourselves listens to our ‘soul-talk’. If we engage the ‘soul’ we may still only be able to feel it as an abstract, a potential which can’t-yet be experienced, in-action, because we fear it. It’s too idealistic.

For some of us the implications of a humane world are too powerful - the blinding effect of ‘such a thing’ is something we’re dazzled by.

If humanity is indeed our very essence, our ‘special gift’ to the planet, then we also know it comes with strings attached. Maybe that’s why ‘soul’ keeps itself to the background today? So far, through all our most primitive developments as humans, and right up to this age, we’ve given ‘soul’ a poor showing. There’s something about ‘humanity’ we daren’t face up to. It stretches our collective imagination to hurting point.

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