Saturday, July 29, 2017

How We See Ourselves, As Vegans


Vegan to vegan we are not on the nose to each other (there are some exceptions!!). I can’t think of any word to describe the positive feeling we have about ourselves, but it isn’t ‘shameful’ or ‘disappointing’ since we have liberated ourselves from those particular feelings.

From our point of view, of course, how we see ourselves is different from how omnivores see us, both as individuals and as a group. Some vegans aren’t pushy-types and see a potential ‘vegan convert’ in every carnivore. Some are very pushy and see others as people who just don’t care. Consequently, there are two ways vegans see non-vegans: either we say “They’ll come across because they’re attracted” or “They’ll come across, even kicking and screaming”. The latter doesn’t sound as if we feel much affection for them.

Are we really caring people? Are we, as vegans, good with animals but not with humans? How ‘big’ are we, especially when faced with people who judge us or hate us or dislike us or ignore us? How we see ourselves depends on how we see non-vegans.

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