Thursday, December 22, 2016

An End to Pessimism


For over sixty years, vegan activists have been forming teams of animal advocates who are themselves boycotting the animal-abuse industry. What we do is done in the spirit of optimism and giving mutual support, to help overcome the ingrained pessimistic belief that whatever we do won’t even scratch the surface.

We do what we can do - we change to eco-friendly light globes, recycle newspapers, support organic farming if we can afford to and, most importantly, eat plant-based foods. Everything we do in this way is valuable, but if we think that what we do won’t make any appreciable difference to the world, then we’ve doomed our efforts before we’ve even started. If we can drop our pessimism we’re more likely to avert the endgame of Earth’s downfall.

If optimism is to gain strength, to become something more than just a nice idea, it has to be substantial enough to carry us over the tough spots. It mustn’t be based on personal success but on people-power that is focused on working for the greater good. The greatest need is for us to put our own interests second. Then nothing can possibly go wrong.

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