Thursday, July 16, 2015

Part 4 - The Secret Purpose of Domesticated Animals


Edited by CJ Tointon
The main purpose of domesticated farm animals is 'transubstantiate'. It's as if they have been 'volunteered' to penetrate the human psyche via the body. As fanciful as it sounds, there has been no other way to get through to human consciousness.  In their enslaved and then lifeless capacity, animals serve their purpose.   It's cumulative however.  

Animals, their body parts and secretions, accrete within the human body weakening various functions until the human is forced into making One Big Decision  - STOP EATING AND USING THEM!  In so doing, these humans arrive at a fuller consciousness of the vulnerability of their own physical condition.  Eventually they come to realise that the foods they've always eaten have weakened them in important ways and damaged their potential for gaining greater intelligence. For those who wake up in time and realise they've been tricked, it's not too late to step into present self-awareness, however frightening that may initially feel.

Reaching ultimate potential intelligence (as opposed to a comparatively primitive development of brain power) doesn't happen overnight.  Greater human intelligence requires a sound foundation in order to achieve the safety and confidence to go further.  It must be built up, brick by brick.  This 'greater intelligence' arrives incrementally, until a point is reached where it is obviously a departure from 'brain building'.   And to leave the relative simplicity of developing brain function in order to arrive at developing a more powerful intelligence, the human must experiment with living intelligently.  This means personal pleasure taking second place to the first-rate pleasure of developing greater intelligence. 

Once this is arrived at, any number of outcomes are possible.  But alas, we can’t foresee any of them because they're in the future.  They haven't happened yet.  So, we go back to the beginning, to the long distant past. We have animals 'volunteer' to seduce humans into becoming slave masters, an offer too tempting for the primitive human to pass up.  The human goes through many centuries of hunting animals, corralling them, caging them, collecting from them, torturing them, killing them, eating them.  Since it appears to make sense to them that passive animals can guarantee a food supply when held captive, they become the main energy source.  This energy (feeding the developing human brain) suggests a logic to the human.  Animals held in concentration camp conditions are always 'on tap'.  If they can be held captive and continuously bred in captivity, it is no longer necessary to chase and hunt them down.

The great fear of the human (as with any animal) is starvation and death from weakness and lack of sustenance.  A strong body and strong brain are the safety factors all animals prize.  Humans, by prostituting their humanity and benefitting from being physically and mentally superior to all other sentient creatures, fall into the most classic trap of all traps - taking on Nature at her own game.  The human allows Nature’s 'recruits' to go to work on their bodies, not realising the damage this habit is causing them.  Nature allows the free-willed human to enter its slave-master role, in order to 'bring them to their senses'.  And those who DO come to their senses and see what is happening to their fellow humans, begin to engineer an eventual change of course for themselves.  If animal foods bring us everything BUT true safety, then a greater logic suggests that the idea of animals being used for food is not such a good idea after all.  Logically, then, the experiment must be made of using plants for food instead of fellow sentients.  

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