Thursday, December 27, 2012

More than a motivational energy


High energy is something we all want. Kids have it in abundance. It’s something satisfying, and whether in humans or animals it’s very attractive, especially when it’s ‘busting-out’ with good feeling. Of course, actually, on one level, that’s precisely what you get with plant-based foods. Vegans have energy to burn.
            But what sort of energy? Is it a forcefully-driven macho energy, so useful in football games and warfare? Or is it a less familiar energy, one which combines and concentrates into pure motivation?
            A vegan diet is physically energising but it also has in this unique motivational energy attached to it. We are after all part of a cause to free animals, and the energy needed for that has to come from somewhere, mainly from the food we eat (and the rationale behind our choosing it). With such a good track record, the plant-based foods are noticeably eco-friendly, physically not-heavy, inexpensive to buy and make us receptive to a particularly good reason for being so active. With this sort of energy and motivation, there are no limits.
            This smooth running energy production, from a plant source, is a clean energy from a clear conscience. Against whatever’s put up against them, activists remain undaunted, and that’s down to being so efficiently energised by plants. 
            Let’s say, for example, I have this project. I’m afraid of running out of steam (motivation), enough to carry it through. I say to myself that perhaps it’s best not to start it at all. Maybe that’s how omnivores consider the vegetarian option or the decision to take up Animal Rights?
            But now, let’s say I have this project and my track record is that I always finish what I start. Being confident like that, sure of completing anything taken up, it’s that self-confidence more than anything else that will give me a sense of optimism. For myself and for my world. Now, Animal Rights is full of meaning and therefore the activist is motivated by this ‘meaning’. And isn’t that simply optimism? Isn’t that an optimism for a world with no animal-exploitation? For me there couldn’t be a better project in life. And what of this project? I want to give it my best shot, and I want to do it efficiently. I want my mind working smoothly, without sidetracking, without squandering energy, without making too many mistakes. Mostly I’m on the look out for momentum. I know this will help (no longer driving with one foot on the accelerator and the other on the brake). If we can find this momentum, this auto-pilot, perpetual motion type of energy, it lets the negativities roll off us like water off a duck’s back. Certainly we do have to handle criticism, ridicule and denigration as well as lack of support, encouragement or being taken seriously, but that seems so insignificant when you feel this highly energised momentum in you. 

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