Saturday, December 29, 2012

Empathy causes


As vegans, with all this primal energy coursing through our veins, we should be generous with it, and see the common foundation of consciousness, focusing on environment, on animals, on kids, on education, all of which are great causes worth fighting for. Veganism isn’t threatened by them, indeed, the very opposite. We learn to see how ‘vegan’ points to non-violence and abundant energy but importantly it stresses empathy by taking the emphasis off the self-serving ‘me’.  Vegan principle empathises with the interests of others, especially with the interests of the weak.
We all live in a village now, and we’re experiencing family-like associations, not just with fellow humans but other beings too. This is the age of relationship-understanding. All around us is revolution in thinking. Because there’s so much opportunity to change to something we think is better, we can change today painlessly; the tree is laden with fruit. We have everything we need to mould a revolution in thinking, empathetic thinking.
We now have access to information and social networks. We’re taking on the big issues, we’re upping our empathy for non-human species, for environment and for victims of social injustice. There’s a heightening of sensitivity and a changing of lifestyle habits.
In every way, what we’re seeing today is a heightening of empathy, and being vegan, thinking vegan, supporting things outside our own immediate interest zone, whatever we do in these ways is good for the soul; in other words, it’s a good feeling being empathetic. I suppose it must be how parents can feel sometimes, feel parent-like when protecting the weak or the inexperienced.
In this Western world there are no weaker inhabitant than domesticated animals. Billions of them are standing there right now, on hard concrete floors or in wire mesh cages instead of freely moving over the earth and forest floor. The social injustice of that is mind boggling. That’s why Animal Rights is such a great cause to be involved with.

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