Friday, December 14, 2012

Avoid the vegan message at all costs

Animal rights and vegan principle is the ONLY subject universally tabooed these days because it’s in everyone’s interest (at least, those who eat animal stuff) to keep quiet about it. Farm animal abuse is, after all, a huge covered-up crime. By keeping animal issues out of the limelight everyone can carry on as if nothing bad is happening. It lets them continue to eat animals and their by-products, and remain deluded by half truths, believing them to be complete truths.
            Take the average self-styled ‘vegetarians’ (who aren’t really vegetarian at all because they’re still condone the abuse of animals), they know full well that animals still have to suffer and die to provide them with their favourite foods even though the flesh of the animal is no longer being eaten by them.
            All animals get the chop, whether they lay eggs, secrete milk or grow wool. Every one of them ends up at the abattoir where they are brutally executed. Apart from kangaroo, non-farmed fish or other hunted animals, every ‘food’ animal is imprisoned for their whole foreshortened life in slum conditions. They are fed poor food or even toxic materials (which then go on to cause illness in humans who eat them). These ‘food’ animals have to live out confined lives and die ugly deaths simply because selfish humans want to eat yummy things and pay a low price for them.
            For obvious reasons then, it’s in the consumer’s interest not to get too interested in this subject. Better to keep a slack conscience than start to empathise with the animals because that would logically lead on to adopting a vegan lifestyle.
            So, you see what I mean? This is such a tight corner everyone’s in. Not only journalists but teachers, preachers, fathers, mothers - everyone, in every branch of human society, all implicated, all wanting NOT to know. No one wishes to talk about the matter of whether we should be ‘using or not using animals’.
            If our vegan arguments were to be given any weight at all in the media (presumably then, people would react in horror) what precisely would happen to our society? Probably not a lot because it points to the final humiliating disaster for humankind - that humans are, after all, not humane at all. This subject shows us for what we are; we have big brains but we’re not really kind, in fact we are much closer to being cold-hard bastards. And what’s worse, humans are predictably mired in double-think and able to use only part of their fine intelligence to see things as they really are. They surely operate a sort of ‘forgetting mechanism’, to block out the guilt of knowing something which they’ve seen (via mass media) and yet have done nothing about.
            The trouble is, that the crime is so obvious (even a three year old can see it for what it is) and the Animal Rights movement has woven such a tight argument about it that no one dares to face it, for fear of being shown up. The reason that the animal advocate might seem so dangerous is that our message is so simple, as if we have time bomb waiting to go off.
            From the authorities’ point of view this whole matter must be suppressed. The most repressive dictator couldn’t do a better job on ‘freedom of speech’ than we do here, in our so called free-world, in the way we gag this particular uncomfortable truth.
            That’s a rather creepy thought, wouldn’t you say? No one is actually admitting that vegans might just have a case to argue!

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