Thursday, April 15, 2010

The world’s self-optimism

At each conscious decision we make, that could have an ethical implication, if we make it right then we edge closer to our aim. By ticking off the boxes as we go along, we’ll be able to see progress. Ultimately (surely!) our overall goal is to focus on increasing the world’s optimism about itself. We can’t do that if we’re pessimistic or if we’re forecasting the end of the world. In other words if we keep buying crap we keep enriching the moneymen. That’s okay by them of course. So, if we don’t boycott, then things will remain as they are. In fact what’s ‘bad’ today will be driven by market forces to become even worse. If we don’t do anything about animal slavery now, history will show us to have been an uncaring people. Future generations will accuse us, quite rightly, of being too casual about a potentially catastrophic problem, and the records will show that we knew.

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