Friday, April 9, 2010

World recovery programme

If you ARE vegan, you find yourself doing a lot of boycotting. In fact in a supermarket survey I did a couple of years ago covering about seven and a half thousand individual shelf products, three thousand of them were either partly or wholly animal products which vegans wouldn’t touch.
By breaking the “animal” cycle another cycle begins and we embark on our own “world recovery programme”, which then becomes a part of a new collective cycle.
By not breaking with old habits, by continuing shopping for items with animal derivatives, we ally ourselves with some of the biggest destroyers on the planet. We remain omnivores because we don’t see that not being omnivore will make a difference. Going vegan looks too bleak. Inevitably that belief makes us feel powerless which is just how the powerful want us to feel. We think we’ve got no power to change things but isn’t that the root of pessimism? To get this knot of defeatism out of our system we need to employ our imagination. The odds are so stacked against a good outcome that optimism might seem unimaginable and a most ridiculous position to take up. So, we invest in pessimism. We almost enjoy feeling gloomy and when we want to cheer ourselves up we go to excitement and sensation. We eat dead animals and entertain ourselves by watching horror movies and “reality T.V.” This rather schadenfreude-ish resort enables us to see worse things happening in others’ lives that in our own, and from that we get some small satisfaction. But that’s a million miles from the satisfaction of having our own world recovery programme.

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