Sunday, April 18, 2010

Investing in vegan principle

Saturday 17th April 2010

The number one fear for most of us is illness. It’s just a few points ahead of our fearing energy-loss. We’re “precious” about that. We horde energy, since energy equates to health and any expenditure of energy must be justified and purposeful. For unsupported causes like veganism, people won’t change because they’re too stingy with their energy and doubt the effectiveness of vegan principle, despite all the great arguments for that way of life. Perhaps it’s because omnivores see no ‘me-advantage’ in the vegan deal. If we take up a cause we want to know it will make a difference, otherwise our efforts will be wasted. And there’s the rub. We’re all afraid of backing the wrong horse (horrible expression) and no one wants to be associated with a bunch of losers. It’s a gamble going vegan. We gamble with energy, time and money. We gamble on very long-odds.
Taking up veganism as an idea is hard enough but to engage our minds in it, invest in it, expect so much of it … the faith we need for this one single idea is a big ask.

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