Friday, April 3, 2009

Violence is convenient

(Thursday 2nd April)
Violence would have been dropped long ago if it weren’t for the fact that humans are so quarrelsome with each other and willing to be so cruel to animals. Our thirst for war and our need to dominate animals has been our undoing.
As it is, we’ve let the violence roll on and do us so much damage in many different ways. We are having to face up to things like climate change, mass starvation, obesity and water shortage, and all because we’ve got an exploitative mentality, most particularly towards the animals we enslave.
We now have to reassess things, personal things, about what side of the attitude barrier we are going to stand on. Climate change has been a big jolt, to make us see the need for a complete re-think. We can either carry on grabbing or start thinking about how we may give back. There’s a lot of healing needed to be done. Humans have been given a violence warning and it can’t be ignored for much longer.

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