Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Passion not preaching

Ultimately, we need people to listen to us. We need to give them information about things they’d never normally listen to (like animal rights), and get them to want to listen. Gone are the days of making people think our way by showing them pictures of ugly abattoirs and bloody corpses.
A first introduction to the subject should include some “what’s in it for me?” - the good points about how things could be in the future (healthy humans, freed animals, sustainable environment), and how we get from the present mess to the future redress. As activists, our only role in all this is to offer the complete picture of how things could be and how we as people could eventually transform ourselves. If this sort of picture isn’t included when we try to get people to listen then it’s just pulpit warnings. We’ll come across as bores and be seen as anti-pleasure and anti-convenience.
If we are passionate about creating a non-violent world, we have to sell the picture of how things would be WITHOUT a slave trade in animals or abattoirs or animal farms … or a heavy dependence on medication, hospital surgery, premature ageing, early death … or a permanent guilty conscience over exploiting the animals and the environment. If we encourage people to use their imagination they will likely visualise a new reality for themselves. And if that leads them to look forward to good times ahead and an increasing sense of altruism, then so much the better.
While altruism may seem like dull daily bread, if one day it becomes normal and natural to be altruistic, then it’s only a matter of time before non-violence and non-judgment merge, and at long last we see a more mature human walking the earth.

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