Friday, July 25, 2008

yer on yer own, buddy

The phrase “blessed are the peace-makers” may not mean very much to people who are only interested in winning approval. But approval from whom? Being recognised by others could be great for the margibalised vegan … if other people’s recognition had currency. It might not, because most other people are ethically compromised and so their opinion of what we are might not be considered valid. If ‘they’ can’t be true leaders or role models, it means that peace-makers (vegans) must face being alone. They must survive and be strong enough to not need others’ approval. And they must be proactive into the bargain, strengthened solely by having found this one great cause and acted upon it. Thus becoming true peace-makers. For we vegans, simply by knowing that our habits have been remoulded for peaceful purposes, we should know we are ethically safe, relatively speaking. Feeling this sort of safety – is it enough for us?

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