Thursday, July 17, 2008

harmlessness isn’t quite enough

How successful are we going to be, as liberators? If things don’t work out well for the animals (and they’ve had no luck with humans so far) things won’t progress for any of us. Humans have a tradition of treating animals barbarically. We now seem like barbarians. We want to see ourselves as humanitarians but until we change our attitude towards animals we won’t be able to move on. Until 50% of the human population realises there is an animal problem, the animal problem will remain. And we remain a barbaric species. We may eventually get the worst abuses fixed, we may swing over to becoming vegetarians but that will be nowhere near to inspiring the sort of voting support we need for true animal liberation to start.

Ultimately, this is what makes us feel so afraid – the no-progress thing. We don’t seem to be dynamic enough when we just observe the principle of harmlessness. It feels as though we aren’t getting anywhere (as a species). On a personal level, most of us would like to save our own souls, but how can that happen until we know the animals are safe - from us! It’s as if a great ball is ready to roll but without just the right nudge, it won’t move. How can humans move on if most of us are still exploiting animals?

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