Tuesday, July 29, 2008

nutritious arguments

In a debate the animal righters have a much bigger problem dealing with matters of vegan nutrition, making a case for the safety and healthiness of a plant-based diet. If, for instance, we say meat is bad for you, healthy young people may not agree since they’ve eaten meat all their lives and feel okay. They’ll likely hit back with “go talk to a sixty year old. Not me. I’m not interested in ‘the health repercussions’ of my meat diet”. Their fear of illness is still a lifetime away.
It’s easy for us to get bogged down in nutritional arguments (although obviously, nothing is lost by each of us learning as much as possible about vegan nutrition). We need to emphasise "ethics" and win people over this way, with one or two directives:
1: that plant-based diets are safe and all nutritional needs are met from plant food.
2: that vegans need to take about ten micrograms of Vitamin B12 every day for the rest of their lives, unless blood tests show that to be unnecessary.
For more information we can advise people to “Google” vegan nutrition or read Michael Klaper: 'Vegan Nutrition', and Gill Langley: 'Vegan Nutrition'. There really isn’t much serious disagreement these days ,that vegan argument is incontrovertible and vegan food is nutritious.

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