Wednesday, July 30, 2008

ethics starts with non-violence

Apart from veganism being a great diet, it is also an ethical diet and has a double bonus in its non-violence principle. Animal activists may not yet realise how vital non-violence is.
If we accuse someone of being violent because they eat meat or dairy products, that accusation may be construed as a "violence" in itself and for that reason alone we should think carefully before making that accusation. Any hint of confrontation, aggression or violence loses us the valuable opportunity to discuss things rationally. Once someone feels they’re being attacked, they’ll counter attack, and so on. The discussion will go round in circles and central arguments will get lost. If we end up ‘shouting’ at people who disagree with us, they will simply walk away and their hostile attitude to animal rights will become even more entrenched. They’ll always be suspicious of our hidden agenda, that we want to subvert society by liberating all the animals. And, to them, this might seem destructive in the extreme. To them it may even be terrorism, an accusation of which would be the ultimate counter attack. And then it’s only a matter of time before denigrating food is written into a ‘patriot act’ and carry heavy penalties. The animal industries supported by consumers certainly already have the political clout to bring this about.

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