Friday, June 23, 2017



When we look into the ‘me-first’ world, obviously food features large. When it comes to food, It controlled Us. Our food habits haven’t substantially changed since childhood, because changing them has never occurred to us (you).

Vegans turn away. Sometimes not enough. You might become vegan, and sacrifice some of your ‘me-first’ world. For vegans, for all the premeditation gone through befor plunging in, it’s surprising that things do move on quickly. Once the food thing is secure, food feels right for you, once cooking and messing about with food is no longer a nightmare, then you’re feeling good about being vegan. And going on to see that veganism isn’t only about food but about activism too.

Once we’re there, actively advocating for animals’ case, and advocating in a ‘no-force’ way, we can achieve non-violence in our food, our clothing, and out thinking.

So, if we are NOT advocating non-violence, then how can vegans ever be of any use to our non-violent animal friends. It might sound bizarre, but are the animals not in a superior state of mind to us? Isn’t our job to aspire to their incredible levels of peace and harmlessness?

So, if our veganism doesn’t aspire to non-violence then the question is: Why not?

To routinely practise non-violence in this violent world, that’s quite a challenge. But if we don’t attempt non-violence, our self-esteem will surely suffer. We as vegans will suffer, out reputations as being ‘heavy’ will increase, and we won’t do much good for the animals who we’re supposed to be standing up for.

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