Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Mad for Plenty


We probably all dream of having plenty, indeed that there should be plenty for all. We dream that eventually humans will fix things up for the planet and all our oafishness will dissolve like Scotch mist. Violence and greed will no longer be needed. Eventually.

Ironically, this is more or less the justification for today’s bad behaviour. By becoming truly dominant over lesser life forms, including lesser ‘human’ life forms, we see ourselves as the ‘benevolent despots of Planet Earth’. Call it evil, call it wicked, it matters not a jot since dominators always self justify according to their end-aim (it being to ‘save the world’ or ‘save our souls’).

We know from history that this end-aim is a furphy, because too much happens along the way that we don’t bargain for. We’re seduced by our big brains, into cutting corners and outsmarting the opposition. We practise violence. Violence brings us a certain type of power. We can win with it. We can get what we want - at the time it seems simple. The world seems ripe for the picking. There are no adverse outcomes. So, we lose sight of the aim of saving souls and saving the world and instead enjoy being on a roll. It’s only later that the awful consequences become apparent, and then it’s almost too late!

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