Friday, May 5, 2017

The Wall


When you see our society through vegan eyes, so much becomes clear about our habits - the selfishness, violence, stupidity and weakness of humans. Early habits lock us into later ones. Selfishness urges us to eat what we like, which means a whole lot of animals are killed for the food we want. This settles into a lifetime of eating habits, which leads to ill health and all the ‘old-age’ diseases. The doctor might say that it’s just a matter of us getting older, and we can expect it. We believe the doctor. No-change is prescribed. We spend a lifetime eating poisonous foods and developing a guilty conscience for conspiring with animal violators. Vegans may suffer far less than others because they are eating plant foods.

Learning the vital information about plant foods is done quite easily today. Nothing can be kept secret. The animal industries are exposed. But, we might not even be looking. We may be content with the way things are. We may be intimidated by the massive propaganda wall – too big to climb over. This wall has been built in our minds during our formative years, and most people accept the attitude that animals are safe to eat, and that it isn’t wrong to imprison them and kill them.


Once we dare to climb that wall, the mind starts to change. Instead of avoiding information we begin to look for it. And then we find it’s surprisingly easy to see what life could be like, on the other side.

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