Thursday, May 18, 2017

The Divide Between Us


I find it’s difficult to remain passive when I’m speaking about ‘food’ animals with a meat eater. But I try to keep quiet and listen. And then whatever I do say, I try to say off-beat. As if I realise the values I want to present might be too strong, and too contrary to theirs; my point of view might only be ‘taken-in-able’ on a subliminal level, otherwise, my coming on too strong, and too fast in what I’m saying, will seem like an attack.

Everyone can sense a value judgement when it’s being made. If we judge, it shows up, however clever we think we are in hiding it. Best not to make the judgement in the first place, even in our own minds, so that we can better observe their point of view. “But surely”, you say, “It’s obvious what that is”. But there are important reasons for why they will not contemplate any departure from their diet. Once we can get familiar with those reasonings, we’ll understand them better and be of more value in helping them, if that’s what they want, to move towards new attitudes to these particular animals.

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