Monday, May 11, 2015

Order and Chaos


Bringing order to chaos - how do we achieve that?  It’s like pulling out weeds to make room for a tree to develop.  Chaos becomes ordered when we start to see the tree growing, where there were once weeds.  In the human context, creating order out of chaos is what humans can be so good at.  We are altruistically driven to often consider the greater good.  And I’ve never met anyone yet who wasn’t keen to minimise destruction.  But there are always energy considerations.  Ideas might be expanded but the application of them can be limited.

"I loved your script, but where do we get the money to put the show on the road?"

So, there might be a dilemma here.  ‘Order’ doesn’t necessarily solve anything; a little chaos is needed too.  But where things are badly out of kilter, as with the 'Belsen Holiday Camps', then some ordering has to take place, if only because it brings a humane and sustainable system into being.  If we let weeds grow, the trees will die; smiling at someone or making eye-contact is bringing order to the chaos of going around as solitary, separated and competitive beings.  Creating order out of chaos is key to rescuing human nature itself.

In theory, if humans have the ability to restructure physical systems, then we can restructure our own nature too.  If we have brought about a state of imbalance to our world, then repair we can it by way of attitude alone.  With clear attitude we can reach out to the most extreme point, where we can even initiate a re-balanced Earth. 

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