Thursday, May 21, 2015

Good greed


The more confident we are with altruism, the bigger the difference we can make with it.  Or, put another way, a revamped altruism isn’t so much about being good as being confident.  If it does nothing else it gives others the feeling they want to make a difference, attracted by the idea of being confident, attracted to the optimism contained in that feeling.  Confidence is launching a boat that will float, having faith that things will turn out well, indeed faith that we ‘live in a safe universe’.
If life is really all about having faith, whether in some master plan-for-our-planet or whatever form it takes, it’s a faith that things will turn out the way they’re meant to.  If we have that sort of faith, call it optimism, we won’t allow our doubts to screw up everything we aim to do.
Doubt makes things look impossible.  Doubt makes it impossible to see ourselves operating more selflessly.  And if that’s true, then it’s ‘doubt’ that makes us think altruism’s only about goodness and idealism, whereas it might be nothing less than a good business deal.  Maybe it’s like ‘clean dealing’, that is motivated, and galvanised by an opposition to greed - turning it on its head, and making it a greed for others, a greed for a fabulous future for all of us.
You may say, "Dream on Brother!"

The sticky point here is that altruism doesn’t bring happiness, or not quite as one might expect it, anyway.  It's suitable for long term plans which we might not still be around to benefit from.  Altruism means back-breaking work for a while longer, requiring (developing) patience.  But the killer is doubt and pessimism.
Doubt plunges us back into this bad habit of gloom and self pity.  Altruism, if it’s about anything at all, is about the adventure of problem solving.  It's the stimulation we all need to challenge ourselves, which ultimately makes altering our lifestyle easier.  When we do things without needing to get materially rewarded for doing them, then we have altruism in the bag!

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