Monday, May 4, 2015

Dynamic non-violence


What is the main influence of any good idea?  Perhaps it achieves a better balance by out-convincing the old idea?  And in practical terms, its impact is in its presence, a calming-down presence in the midst of a heated quarrel.  It's almost as if it goes unnoticed were it not for its unexpectedness.

As brilliant as any ‘good idea’ might be, this one never imposes itself.  However convincing it seems, it doesn’t outweigh the need for good manners.  It calmly applies the brakes in time to avoid a collision.  And in being seen to do that, by easing into the controller’s chair, it is seen to take charge, without needing permission.  This idea explains itself without explaining anything that isn't already obvious.  It helps to avoid the bigger mistake from happening, and therefore avoiding the necessity of making a long up-hill struggle to restore things to balance.

Non-violence keeps high emotions under control.  It’s based on a sort of ‘count-to-ten’ principle.  By being seen to be fearless of robust interaction, non-violence becomes the new dynamic.

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