Thursday, January 29, 2015

How to get the better of a vegan


When I meet an adversary and discuss my views, concerning the eating of animals, I’m at a disadvantage because I know that I hold such a minority view.  It’s almost impossible to win the ‘animal argument’ if my opponent respects and feels supported by the dominant culture.  That’s okay by me, but it won’t be admitted by them, since their interest is in out-manoeuvring me.  So, I don’t see an attack coming until I notice a distinctly personal challenge being made, with no sign of fair debate intended.

Maybe they make a sharp comment which, on the face of it, seems like a joke but has that distinct sharp thrust about it, like the assassin’s knife, in and out in a flash.  It warns that they have no taste for any detailed discussion.

The sharp comment, fired off at ‘joke- level’, was never meant to be shrugged off by me.  It would appear cowardly of me to do that, so, as expected, I fire back an aggressive reply.  And in that split second, as I bite back, I know I’ve been manipulated. My aggressive response is the coup de grace of the ‘joke’.  It ‘turns’ the atmosphere.  I’m made to look bad.  It was me who took things further than necessary.

The innocent jokester reckons I’ve got no sense of humour.  They’re outraged at the thought that their comments could be taken so personally.  By my taking umbrage, by being hypersensitive to a bit of light hearted banter, I show how ready I am to quarrel over this issue.  It’s proof (to my adversary) that I’m neither a compassionate person, nor as non-violent as I purport to be.  I look like a loser who seems to have gentle views about animals but not about people.  And they win!!

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