Sunday, August 27, 2017

Information Day


Regarding the enslaved animals, those we eat and make use of, as long as people stick them in this ‘special category’ (they’re not like our pets at home!) they can maintain a cut-off point “regarding certain animals”. This makes vegan information inevitably falls on deaf ears. For us it’s frustrating!

But getting angry about it is no longer an effective protest tool, not with this issue anyway.

Both vegans and omnivores believe that we can think and say what we like. Yes, true, but there again, isn’t anger the warning signal before getting personal and disapproving? This has always been a favourite method of getting what we want. Anger is real. But it’s our presentation that counts.

The world of communication starts just like a variety act. There’s a little performing, a little showing off and looking attractive enough for people to spend their time with us. Who wants to spend ANY time with a sad-sack or an evangelist? None of us want bad company but to be with up-lifting and laughter-making people. 

We need to be cuter. All five-year olds understand this, that to be fun and interesting-to-be-with is the name of the game. So, if we can make friends, do a little performing here and there, try to smile as often as possible, then some magic is possible, and surely it’s magic we need! By hypnotising the ‘opposition’ with affection (you know, the sort of thing usually reserved for pussy cats), we can ride the stormy seas of Animal Rights and reach harbour’s safety in the bosom of mutual affection.
Effective relationship-building must be accomplished, first up, for reasons of perception, namely omnivore-perception of ‘vegans’. It may not be a perception of untrustworthiness they feel – more like “you’re an idiot”. So, we may have to work quite hard to fix that one. But no big deal, because effective relationship-building is done there and then. We humans are multi-taskers. We devise millions of thoughts per second, each of which can start off a whole new world of thinking. Between each other we have a great opportunity to find common ground, instead of getting off-side with each other. Just watch how little kids do it, from the very beginning of life. They’ve got it down to a fine art. And eventually they always get what they want, whilst all the time building trust, and of course adding to their inimitable cuteness. If only it were the same way, adult to adult. By applying the ‘small-kid’ technique, vegans with omnivores, omnivores with vegans, we can get a lot out of Information Day.

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