Tuesday, August 8, 2017

250 Deaths


Imagine how it would be if people did respond differently to what vegans were saying. Rather than getting defensive, suppose they started to see things from the animals’ point of view.

Imagine how it would be if vegans approached omnivores without wanting to attack them. Imagine how we’d sound without the din of judgement in our voices.

We have plenty of ‘calm’ facts to pass onto people. But our message isn’t mild, it’s urgent and important, and just in case we have to underline that, if what we are saying is dismissed. Then we might need to have a couple of shock facts in the bag, to help clinch things.

The shock fact is a weapon to be held in reserve. Having it at hand like a trump card: “We in the West each eat 250 animals a year”. That will be remembered. Perhaps challenged. But it will emphasise how speciesist we humans have become, to be able to disregard such a fact to pursue food-sensation. The rest of the argument, about ‘why we need to be vegan’, is merely detail.

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