Friday, April 21, 2017

A Clean Sweep


Today, despite the difficulties put up by the omnivore world, there is already a growing number of people who genuinely do care, and about matters of global importance which definitely doesn’t exclude animal right. Vegans believe they’ll stop the great destructive juggernaut before it swallows us whole.

Not to be predictive here, vegans are just emphasising good intentions, in the form of a ‘mass wanting’, for our species to surge forward. And that does include a personal wish to follow a self-development route. Cynics and pessimists might not see things this way. Optimists do.

If the idea of ‘recovery’ and ‘repair’ were attractive, people would go vegan like a shot. We don’t want to see ourselves as heartless and unthinking. We want to be part of that sort of progress, in the form of protest or, even better, boycott. Any great cause, like social justice and animal rights, can attract us, inspire us, and strike us like lightening – it’s both right- reasoning as well as the coming fashion. A simultaneous mopping up of obsolete systems and hard-nosed attitudes can be done in a single sweep of the night broom.

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