Sunday, November 1, 2015

1531: Posted Sunday 1st November
Keeping people in the dark
Any self-respecting journalist knows how much damage they do by omitting vital information from stories about animals used for food.  It suits them to do so.

The worst omissions damage the most impressionable minds.  Children and young people will unknowingly imprint whatever information they pick up and base their habits on what they think is the truth.  But there's misinformation and a lot of subjective misleading 'harming of their defence', which they 'later come to rely on' for their own safety and well being.  For people in general and especially for kids, to be ‘information protected’ like this is bad enough, but there's yet another dimension to consider, in a world of food shortage.  The cost of wastefully producing vast amounts of food to feed to animals, so they can then be eaten by over-fed humans, is an obscene waste of precious resources.  It's the most inefficient way to feed people.

The silence and the cover-up, the unremarked waste and cruelty, the deliberate duping of people - all this is essential for keeping the Animal Industries on 'life support'.  Eventually they probably know that the truth will eventually come out, but I suppose they hope to make their pile before they just cut and run.
If exposed, once exposed, the full story will tell us how humans are not to be trusted around animals.  Both consumers and producers alike contribute to widespread, routine animal exploitation.  Once that is fully understood by the majority of people, the system will surely start to fail.  As markets fail, as people desert the (animal-product-producing) Industry, so it will be unable to provide the animal products people are used to.  At affordable prices.  And so the widespread transition to a plant-based lifestyles will start to take place.

It occurs to me that, at this point, vegans would be in a position to provide valuable practical assistance.  But so many things have to happen before that - first the full truth told in a major exposé.  And before any respected, talented journalist writes that essential story, the ground must be laid by ordinary animal advocates, to show that we haven't been duped and that not everyone is incapable of acting on principle.  One of the main jobs for vegans around the world is, at this early stage, simply to rattle cages - to catch the eye of the public.

Then it's up to the professional communicators to go to work, filling in all the empty spaces, BUT this can only be done by the talented writers to come, who themselves are already enlightened by vegan principle and been practising vegans for long enough to be true to their word. 

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