Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Repairing the Machine Mind


Many humans have been exploited and many lives wasted.  The age of the machines has arrived and the machine-mind is responsible for a lot of the damage we’ve done to each other.  We’ve even turned animals into machines, so that we can have them producing goods for us.  From the confines of their cages and concrete pens, things couldn’t be worse for them.  We don't care.  Our empathy levels are nowhere near as expanded as our intellectual powers.

But perhaps the tide is turning, things are changing, maybe because we can now see many ways of repairing both our attitudes and our bad habits, all at the same time.  Repairs are possible.  Reaching for the stars is possible.  No one can deny the possibility of repair.  So many situations cry out for repair, and each time we address the need for repair, we first have to ask how we're going to go about it.  We can't progress unless we get to know how to bring it about.  By working on repair-answers, we work from ideas, and then have to work out how to implement those ideas.  That's the nature of repair.  But how do we keep it up? The motive for repair is like reaching for the stars.  Progress is dependant on motivation, and that's not straight forward.  Human nature is so deeply set that we often think it can't change. We CAN change our own natures, we can repair on a personal level.  But why change when other don't? And so we return to the reason why we don't change solo, because we believe that we can't change our collective nature.  But if we could, if we were to be convinced that collective consciousness were shifting in the right direction, just imagine how optimism would set in. And wouldn't we find the rewards incalculable?

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