Sunday, May 10, 2015

Altruism as a reference point


Living within a partially unknowable universe, we have to make the best of things. There are still a lot of mysteries around.  So, it's best to do things on the safe side, safe from potential disasters anyway, and doing as much as possible with affection.  In that way we can lubricate difficult or painful processes.
Our instincts tell us what to do and when to be giving-out affectionately and when it’s more appropriate to be business-like and safeguarded. Intuitively, we know life isn’t just about doing good, it’s also about optimising our opportunities. We weigh up our choices. And we all being selfish bodies, the selfish motive comes naturally to us. But then, on after thought, so does being selfless. Like doing something for the sake of the kids, altruistically, but knowing that it can feed back again, to ourselves.
Altruism and learning the various levels of it, is a part of the maturing process. It's experienced most obviously (and most compulsorily) in parenting - a child screams for attention, the parent comes to the rescue, altruism kicks in to make the best out of the situation, best for both child and the parents’ personal sanity.  Altruism is always the reference point - being hard or soft, indulging the child, denying the child.  Each decision is swayed by instinct, and altruism is never very far away from influencing our choices.  It’s never partial.  It's never harm-causing. So, we can always see the link between veganism and non-violence - both are always primarily motivated by altruism. 

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