Sunday, April 19, 2015

The toxic human


Vegan principles make a start to mending some of the damage done by fellow humans to animals, but more so, veganism shows the utter waste of energy in producing food from animals.
Only when a plant-based food regime is up and running in our life, can we then see how we’ve been poisoning ourselves with animal-based foods.  As soon as you look into plant-based diets you understand how toxic animal-based foods are.  Epidemiological studies show that much of our ill health can be traced back to our animal-based diets, showing links between a high intake of animal protein and the incidence of some of today's most deadly diseases.
And yet, on this subject there's a deafening silence.  No one will speak up. The experts, the nutritionists, the politicians, spiritual leaders and teachers are struck dumb, since they're all using these products themselves. Even if they've given up meat they're still topping up with plenty of dairy and egg-based foods, so they have to remain quiet about the dangers of using animal foods, not to mention the inflicting of cruelty on these creatures.  Not even our most creative and radical thinkers, scientists and artists are willing to go there, for fear of showing up their own eating habits.  Have you ever seen any of them NOT wearing leather shoes?  Almost no prominent citizens will discuss these issues all the time they are colluding with the whole sorry mess.  Subsequently no one whose words are listened to in our society will speak about the downgrading of this particular set of ethics concerning human abuse of nonhumans.
We've come to the point where these ethics appear as a rather threadbare garment unlikely to give us much protection - we’ve substituted ethics with a rather convenient moral code, which  allows us to do whatever we want with animals.  This is sad enough, but when even our most respected spiritual leaders give us the go ahead, it effectively puts us to sleep and diminishes any outrage that we might have felt.  The individual has been subsumed by the collective mind set.  We've convinced ourselves that we must comply. We may no longer speak about protecting the innocent.

This is why Animal Rights is so urgent.  The protection of animals (from ‘the human’) is essential, since humans can’t be trusted with animals any more than paedophiles with kids.  As we continue to drive animals insane so that we can have ready access to our burgers and milk shakes, our leather shoes and woollen jumpers, our only fear might then be that non-violence will one day win currency and we'll all end up being vegan. 

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